Wednesday, January 25, 2006



1. I learned the other day that my drivers license expired back in November. So this morning after getting donuts for Anna's birthday breakfast I thought I'd stop by the local BMV to get it renewed. To my surprise - the state has shut down the branch. This was probably the best BMV ever as there were never any lines and the ladies there were semi-friendly. I guess that led to the demise of the branch - now I have to go to stinky portage, not much further, but much busier.

2. My car starts. I hope I don't turn into a cranky old man anytime soon... Actually we think it is a condensation thing, where something in the engine gets wet that shouldn't, so the car won't start. Once it dries out, the car starts fine.

3. The Portage BMV isn't so bad. They have definintely improved their processes and are running much more efficently then I have ever seen before. It took about 8 minutes to get my new license. My new eyes passed the vision test so I got the "glasses or contacts" restriction removed from my license.

4. I learned this last week but forgot to put it down -- the salvation army donation box is in the Northwest Corner of MC's Lowe's parking lot.

It's the Goodwill box, not the Salvation Army box. Just an fyi!
WOOHOO!!! No restriction on the license!! That is awesome Brian. Good thing you waited on the new license!
On the car thing, I used to have a car that had a similar problem. It turns out it was the distributor cap. The thing that's hooked to all the spark plug wires. I guess it had a crack in it or it was fastened incorrectly so once we replaced it, the car started fine everytime. You might look into that. It's pretty cheap and easy to fix.

Yes, I have 3 brothers and a dad that insists on doing most of their own mechanic work. I picked up a few things here and there growing up. . .
My driver's license also expired back in November. I had no idea until I checked in for my flight to Vegas (FOA trip). They marked my boarding pass that I was selected for a "random" special search. Fun.

I'm envious of your new eyes!
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