Monday, January 16, 2006


What I learned on Monday

1. When backuping up AIX with smitty you can just specify a remote directory to path such as /mounts/backups/aix/1-16-06-predator.backup. However as I found out - that file might be larger then the ulimit limit. I had to change the hard and soft limit by specifying
ulimit -H -f 2097151000
ulimit -f 2097151000

this allowed me to create larger files for this particular shell session.

2. Turns out the Intel based iMacs we are getting in return for our beta Intel boxes only have 512MB of RAM. Not just any old RAM will do, of course - its special RAM. We couldn't find it at our normal outlets but it is at RAMJET. Not a bad price either .. $250 for 2GB.

3. Its not as easy as I thought to use a local hosts file on a mac... Still looking into that.

4. The Mailbox on Indian Boundary is not in front of the UPS store -- its in front of Hallmark.

That darned elusive mailbox. What moron put it in front of the Hallmark?
Smart thinking on the part of the post office. Go figure, they actually did something that made sense!
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