Tuesday, January 17, 2006


What I learned on Tuesday.

1. I am capable of sticking with something for a whole week !

2. To easily convert Windows text files on a mac do a :fileformat = mac :w in VIM and then exit and open the file. This will get rid of the nasty ^M line break chars. More info here.

3. When using the Verisign site to order SSL or Code signing certs - get the amount from the website, but before you provide any information, have the PO created. They force you to put a PO number before you can submit the request and the site will time out if you leave up for more than a few minutes at the PO screen it will just time out and you will have to re-enter ALL the information.

4. I started working out again -- at Bally's in the hole under a building not too far from work. Its part of the discovery health body challenge thing .. 3 of us from work signed up for an 8week free membership. Anyway - they don't have locks on the lockers of course, so I had to find my lock from my last feeble attempt to work out and try to recall the combo. Finding the lock was easy the combo did not come back so quickly. Before thinking too hard, I figured I could probably look up the combo on line. So I go out to Master Lock's website and find the lost combo FAQ. They want a Notorized statement (with Raised Seal) that the lock is indeed yours and a picture of the lock to prove it isn't attached to anything ! Too funny. So that wasn't happening as I need the lock for tomorrow. So I stared the lock down and just started twisting the dial and sure enough i got it to work . 34 - 26-21

5. I finally got the hosts file thing working on the mac. In most unix flavors i believe there is some sort of file called nsswitch.conf that defines the order that a machine uses when looking up name info. Well the mac has to complicate things and let good old NetInfoManager take care of this, so its not as easy as just switching some services around in a flat file , you actually have to load up the lookupd order into netinfomanager and then load the hosts file that you want to use as. To top it all off , the hosts names are case sensitive. What a pain. Guess its a BSD thing.

Congratulations on deciding to workout. I wish you much success with that. I am sure it will help that you have other doing it with you!!
Congrats on working out!! Now I have to jet off to the airport so I can make it to Chicago in time to raid your gym locker while you work out. Hope you have something good in it!!
well dang it if I didn't learn something from your blog! I didn't know they could find your lock combination for you! (albeit with a lot of annoying work on your part)

Of course I would have just bought a whole new lock.
Great job sticking to your blog for one week! Although, it's not AT ALL surprising!

For a second, I thought that was your goal for post-weightloss body measurements. j/k

That IS funny that you can obtain the lock combo - well, moreso the conditions required!

Congrats on a full week of blogging!
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