Sunday, January 22, 2006


What I learned Thursday, Friday and Saturday

1. When the eye doctor says that you will be in "slight discomfort" for a few hours after the surgery, he really means "imagine two hot stakes poking your eyes" for a few hours. Well maybe it wasn't that bad, but it hurt more then I was prepared for.

2. With PRK things start off good then get worse then get better. I knew that going into the surgery but didn't realize to what extreme. I felt great about 18 hrs after the surgery, I could see fine and my eyes didnt hurt. I took a nap about 24 hrs after the surgery and when I woke up , my eyes were very sensitive to the light and hurt quite a bit. My vision was also very blurry compared to earlier in the day. I slept alright last night, but this morning my eyes continued to be extremely sensitive. When I woke up from my afternoon nap (approx. 50 hrs after the surgery) things were much better, my eyes were not as sensitive to the light and I could actually look at the computer screen. I'm looking forward to Monday morning when they take the protective contacts out of my eyes and my vision should improve quite abit, although it can take up to 3 weeks to get my "best vision"

3. I have managed to go for about 48 hrs without logging on to my work email and surveying the damage that occurred during my absence. That might be the longest I've gone in about 3 yrs.

Glad you're starting to feel better! I'm sure you'll be so glad you went through all of it in 3 weeks when your vision ROCKS!
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